Agriculture has long been revered in India, as encapsulated in the old saying, "Uttam Kheti Madhayam Vyapar, Nikrishat Nokri Bheekh Nidaan," which translates to "agriculture is the best profession, business is mediocre, service is inferior and begging is despicable." However, this reverence for agriculture faces significant challenges today. Rising production costs, diminishing returns, inefficient resource utilization and volatile market forces have made agriculture less lucrative. Indian agriculture grapples with issues such as declining farm sizes, population growth, rising wages, changing consumption patterns and decreasing land and water resources, further exacerbated by climate change.
As India strives for "Atmanirbharta" (self-sufficiency), diversification in systems, materials, technologies and practices is essential to address these challenges. Technological advancements offer tools and processes that empower farmers and enhance their incomes. The availability of accurate information, resources, and capital is critical for informed decision-making and agricultural success in today's challenging environment.
The book "6 Ps for Increasing Farmers' Income" goes beyond describing materials and technologies. It delves into the practical aspects of adopting these advancements, examining economic viability, resource requirements and potential challenges. It illustrates how farmers can leverage these advancements to achieve financial security and build thriving agricultural businesses.
The book is structured into six crucial chapters: (i) Preliminaries but Pertinent Points, addressing key issues impacting agricultural productivity and profitability; (ii) Products, exploring innovative agricultural products that enhance yield, improve quality and optimize resource utilization; (iii) Processes, discussing advanced farming processes, including precision agriculture and sustainable practices, empowering farmers with data-driven decision-making; (iv) Policy Interventions, shedding light on government policies supporting farmers and creating an enabling environment; (v) Permanent Green Models, highlighting sustainable practices that promote environmental well-being while ensuring long-term profitability; and (vi) Pertinent Points for Increasing Farmers' Income, offering practical approaches for maximizing income generation.
By exploring these six areas, the book aims to provide valuable insights for all stakeholders to improve agricultural productivity and profitability. It serves as a bridge between cutting-edge materials, technology and the farmers who cultivate our food, empowering them with the knowledge and tools needed to overcome challenges and achieve greater financial security in agriculture.
6Ps for Increasing Farmers’ Income
Dr Suresh Acharya,
Rahul Dharaviya,
Kishan Patel